Wow, long time no see! A month since I last wrote here, and that's because I've been quite busy... With everything else than making comics, sadly. Still enjoyable stuff though, so here's a HUGE report!
In September I was teaching comics art and visual storytelling at
Malmö University again, thanks to
Gunnar Krantz - my ex-teacher from Malmö Serieskola (Comic Art School). It was fun
and this time I had the chance to go through more than the basics, which
was nice.
The course was
Serieteckning och visuellt berättande if you are interested in taking it. It's in Swedish but there's also an English one every Spring called
Comics, International Perspectives.
Ok, now over to what I've done in October!
Guess where I have been off to? |
Me and my boyfriend Emil went to the US of A! More precisely New York City, for their yearly New York Comic Con! It's the second biggest comic convention in the US, the San Diego Comic Con being the biggest.
Why New York? Because I have wanted to see these. You don't find this in Sweden, and the Big Apple is such an interesting and energetic city. It's not really an American city as much as it is an International city, especially Manhattan (where we hanged out most of the time).
The food. Oh, the food.
These huge pancakes (pobably more than 20 cm in diameter each) was our breakfast. Twice, and then we realized it would actually kill our stomachs...
Thursday was the "Professionals and VIP's only" day! So after standing in this line for one hour we finally eneter the huge convention center.
Huge. ((This word pretty much describes most things we experienced in the US)) |
Powaaaah!! | |
Back to the future! |
All the big videogame and comic companies was there. Big booths, a lot
of "booth babes" (both female and male ones) and cool sculputers, life
size models, figurines in glass cabinets... So much to see!!
These historical originals was displayed for the charity auction, check out the starting bid! |
Also, there was a lot of shops and smaller companies and studio's there, selling all from nerdy T-shirst and self-published comics to steampunk stuff and small production toys.
Yes, a steampunk keyboard...! |
Lego also had a booth, with awesome models like these of Gandalf and Bildo. They're smart, they know their audience is not only young kinds but old kids as well!
We had to check out the Artist Alley, which was in it's own big hall. So many fantastic artists! Most into the American comics style, but also some into manga and more European styles. Mike Mignola had a table, which just shows the level of artists there. Some where more green though, and the diversity was appealing. So inspiring!
I usually don't buy prints, but since some of the artists was so freaking amasing, I just had to. I think we spent more than 100 dollar on prints alone!
I also took the chance to talk to editors at
Yen Press (yes, I know, I'm a workaholic!) and their great and insightful feedback made me change a lot of my agendas and plans. They where harsh and honest, which I love!! Hopefully a collaboration in the future, a great contact!
The next day, we went for a walk in Central Park. Here's the statue of the sled dog
Balto, who aslo got his own
animated movie, remember?
Even the squirrels were huge! And cute~ |
We stopped by the Natural History Museum and checked out the space exhibition and the dinosaur skelettons!
Saturday, and back at Comic Con. If we ever though it was packed on Thursday, this was HELL. So much people it took us 3 times longer to get anywhere.
A lot of awesome cosplayers and people dressed up for the costume contest. |
So... much... people... |
The Artist Alley, a little more packed, huh? |
The Javits Center (where Comic Con was held) from the outside. Um... huge? |
On Sunday we had the chance to check out Midtown and Downtown, and especially the shops we had maked on the map before the trip. Among them was
Forbidden Planet on Broadway and
Midtown Comics at Times Square. Both have a lot of comics and figurines and made me even more poor...
We also went to Chinatown, Financial district and walked along the
High Line, a former train bridge that was turned into a floating park along the West side of Midtown.
We walked a lot... I meassured on the map, and we went like 60 km all 6 days! O_O
Monday was return day, but we still had the chance to go on a visit to
Parsons New School of Design thanks to my friend
Dinah (the same Dinah that helped me back when I got my contract on
Ein Lied für Elise with
TOKYOPOP back in 2010). It was interesting to go there, see the school and participate in a lesson.
Wow, a trip I will remember and that mattered a lot to me. Tired and dirty we returned home to Sweden.
Feels like this trip was like a piece of the puzzle of my life, put in the right spot and made things a little clearer.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now some tips for you who think of going to NYCC any time in the future:
- Book a hotel on Manhattan, as close to NYCC as possible. The island is HUGE and walking in the city makes your feet hurt... Bring good shoes as well!
- Make sure you have the ESTA (a traveling visa you have to apply for at least 3 days before your trip). The Americans are super duper careful, scanning every inch. And don't lock your bag, they have to be able to check it if they want to.
- If you are a librarian, artist, game developer, publisher or any other professional, apply for the NYCC Professional Pass at least 2 months before the trip. It's so much cheaper, plus you get entrance to the Show room at Thursday, which is the only day you actually can breathe in there.
- Do a lot of planning before the trip! Check the Internet for shops and restaurants and attractions you wanna go see. Print out maps, mark the shops and restaurants and always have the addresses written down. Did I mention that the city is HUGE? People are helpful though, so as long as you have a map and an address you'll manage.