Here it comes!
Time for my New Years resolution and plans for 2013.
First, let's check in with my 2012 New Years resolution:
This year, I'll take the chance while young and energetic and go to Japan!
Hm... Okay, this will be pretty easy. I superfailed.
I really tried though! I applied for at least 7 or 8 funds or scholarships to try to get money to go there, since my own economy is not Japan-trip-friendly so to say. Since I wanted to stay there for at least 1-2 months, it would probably be around 40 000 sek (4000 euro or so) and that is not in my personal budget. But nope, no money recieved.
Also, to be fair, I have shifted the focus a little. I do see I can make manga here and send it there if I want to (like I have with Ribbon) and also that I have a possible career here. I'm thinking; how about make myself big enough here, and then export myself to Japan with a C.V. that will impress them?
I'll try both, I guess.
So, if I shall grade my self based on this resolution, I get a smashing
1 out of 5! Hahaha. At least I tried, E for effort!
Now over to the New Years resolution of 2013.
This year I will be working on my longest project ever!
That means, before this year is over, I must have beaten my longest manga so far with a new ongoing project. Since my longest manga is
Mjau! with 250 pages, I need to have made at least 260 pages before this year is over. Yep, crazy. But I promise you I will!
And that project will be
A Sword Princess Tale, which I have a Swedish and a Danish publisher on. More info soon!
The plan is to have the first volume (out of 3 or 4) in Swedish released in September, so my work is cut out for me.
Here's my plan for the year:
January: Make the layout sketches for the 150 pages long first
A Sword Princess Tale-volume, and also finish the 32-pages manga for
Nosebleed Studio's next anthology.
February-June: Draw the 150 pages of the first volume (about 30 of them just need some minor changes) while also working as a teacher 2 days a week at Serieskolan in Malmö and at Malmö Univerity.
July-August: Perhaps some vacation, but also start making the layout sketches of the second
A Sword Princess Tale volume!
September-December: Drawing the second volume.
Hopefully I will have made over 260 pages of the manga before the year is over, That will be so cool!
There needs to be some changes done though, i.e. on the armor of Amaltea, the main character.
After reading this article:
"Why do you hate the shape of breats in plate armor so much?" - martwhim at tumblr
Okay, so it isn't the most practical solution... Let's change it a little:
What do you think?
(Yes, the waist is not proportional, but I'm
talking the boob-plate, nothing else!) |
I will also go to a couple of events this year, here's some I hope to attend:
➼ J-popCon in Copenhagen, Denmark
➼ KodachiCon in Lund, Sweden
➼ SIS and Small Press Expo in Stockholm, Sweden
➼ Japan Expo in Paris, France
➼ NärCon in Linköping, Sweden
➼ Gothenburg Book Fair, Sweden
➼ London MCM Expo in UK
➼ Confusion in Gothenburg, Sweden
Hope to see some of you at the events!
Well, I better get back to the work now... as I have put up a very very optimistic goal for my self!
Let's draw!