26 July 2012

Nerdy trip to Portugal

I'm back from my vacation at my aunt and family in Portugal!
It was a hot, tasty and nerdy trip, so here's a report and some pictures:

We travelled the country with my aunt and my father (also visiting his home country). First we visited Buddha Eden, not far from Caldas da Rainha where we live at my aunts place.
Buddha Eden is a huge garden made by a rich wine farm owner who loves art and Asian culture. The garden is next to his wine farm and when you buy an enterance fee, you also receive a wine bottle!

Buddha with the sun behind him.

On our visit to Lisbon we went to my yearly must; the comic book store BdMania. It's like a real goldmine for comic nerds like me, so I highly recommend it if you go to Lisbon some day! 

The store has American comics and graphic novels, Japanese manga, European
comics and I even found a book in Swedish by Knut Larsson, a Swedish graphic novel artist.

Later, we went to the big bookstore chain FNAC to look at their range of comics, and found Banzai in their shelves! Awesome!! 

 We also went on a trip to north of Portugal, and while checking out Porto, we found this comic book shop, Mundo Fantasma

 Annother fantastic store for a comic book nerd, with an impressive range of manga! No wonder why, the manager Vasco who I met and had a long and interesting chat with is huge a manga fan too. We talked about the industry and the talents of the manga here in the West. 

They also have exhibitions in the room next to the shop, with both
national and international artists. The framed picture in the front is
a Craig Thompson original, made for the shop!

I also had the chance to meet up with one of the editors at Banzai - Ricardo - and talk some work. You know me, I never take vacation... Hahaha...

Just before we were to go to the airport, we squeezed in one more nerdy activity: we went to the Museum of Popular Art in Lisbon because they had a video game exhibition! Over 120 games to play, friggin awesome!!!!

Game On - an exhibition of the history of video games, with both new
and old games from Pong, Donkey Kong and Astroids to Tomb Raider,
Guitar Hero
and Star Wars Kinect.

Hand held consoles - from old to new!

And some original art of games like Sonic and Pokémon!
Of course, the trip also included great food and deserts, like these pasteis natas, bought and consumed at the famous Pasteis de Belém

And I also took a lot of reference photos for my future mangas, of houses and nature like the one in the national park in the north, close to the Spanish border.  

An amasing trip, warm and fun but also tireing. Now I will rest, before going to NärCon in Linköping this week end. Phu~
Hope I see some of you there! :D

16 July 2012

NonstopCon - Swedish online community for manga fans!

På svenska, för detta berör mest er svenska läsare av min blogg:

NonstopCon - ditt konvent på nätet!

Detta är ett helt fantastiskt projekt som jag och vännen och kollegan Elise Rosberg (även förläggare på det nya manga-förlaget Wasabi Press) drog igång i våras. NonstopCon är det som mangasverige saknat sedan BCmanga - ett mangaforum som fanns för några år sen, lett av Bonnier Carlsen - lades ner. Kanske saknade vi det redan när BCmanga fanns, för den sidan var inte lika bred och erbjöd inte lika mycket som NonstopCon kommer göra!

NonstopCon kommer vara en sajt för alla som gillar manga, anime, j-pop och k-pop och andra musikstilar från Asien, film, Dorama, TV-spel, cosplay, mode och klädstilar från Japan och en massa andra intresseområden... allt man vill ha helt enkelt! Och det kommer vara uppdelat som ett konvent, varje flik kommer ha en forumdel och en nyhetsdel, samt en bloggroll och andra kul saker, som t.ex. senaste bilderna, cosplayfotografierna eller musikvideos etc.

Här ser ni lite "skisser" på hur sidan kan komma att se ut:

"Biosalen" kommer ha recensioner av anime, dorama och film, samt trailers,
blogguppdateringar och annat kul som är kopplat till det.
Vill du vara med och skriva på någon av sidorna eller moderera något av forumen?
Maila i så fall till info@nonstopcon.se

Sidan kommer också ha en kalender med alla kommande event,
konvent, cosplayträffar, mangateckningsmöten etc. runt om i landet!

Alla får egna profil-sidor med eget galleri, klubbsida, taggar och konventsband
(där man kan lägga till de konvent man varit på och se vilka andra som var där).

Klubbarna kan man dels skapa själv och gå med i andras!

Man kan också ändra utseendet på sidan, mellan olika stilar, bland annat
kommer det finna ett med min serie Mjau!

Vill du vara med och skriva på någon av sidorna eller moderera något av forumen?
Maila i så fall till info@nonstopcon.se

Vi har redan kodare involverade i det tekniska, och kommer förhoppningsvis ha en beta klar för test i september. Vill du vara med och beta-testa sidan då så maila till info@nonstopcon.seJust nu kämpar vi för att få in pengar för att betala kodarna. En del av betalningen hoppas vi på att alla sugna användare, som liksom jag och Elise vill ha denna sida, kanske kan hjälpa till med?

Därför har vi startat en Funded By Me sida för projektet, där man kan se trailern, läsa mer om NonstopCon och stödja den! Om man gör det får man även finfina gåvor som tack!!
NonstopCon på Funded By Me

Vill du vara med och se NonstopCon bli verklighet? Hjälp till!

09 July 2012

Mjau! in Portuguese Banzai magazine!

I just got this in the mail:

Banzai is a new manga magazine in Portugal, published by NCreatures. I first met them with my sister at a manga convention in Ourem in Portugal, I think it was back in 2008. Since then, we've done some collaborations, supporting each other mentally and pushing each other in this hard business.

They have always been so supportive and eager to incorporate me in their work, and also was the ones inviting me and Yokaj Studio to Amadora BD back in 2009, and to a nice 24-hour manga event in Lisbon in 2010 aswell. I'm very thanful for their hard work!
Thank you, Ricardo, Mapril and now also Manuela working with Banzai. You're doing an awesome job!!

It's really nice to finally have the chance to get published by them with one of my mangas!
Here's some of the manga:

My kittens know Portuguese!! I didn't know! They grow up so fast... *happy tears*

If you're in Portugal, the Banzai magazine is avaliable at FNAC in all over the country and on their online store. Oh, and also at a store in Macao (yes, in China) called Livraria portuguesa (because they have Portuguese historical connections and thus know the language)

Thank you for reading~

Here's my cat Hilda in a basket:

Ever so bright.

02 July 2012

Report from UppCon:12

So little time, this will be a quick entry...

Just wanted to do a short report from UppCon:12 (the last ever) on the 15-17th of June. It was a big party, but also a sad goodbye for a generation. This will not end the manga fans entusiasm though, rather the oposite; people was already talking of what will be the next big con, and the need of a big event like this, if not bigger!

Nosebleed Studio visited the con and our tables was well attracted even though the artist alley was quite small. We sat in the big market tent, which made us get more attention compared to last year, Thanks alot, UppCon-team, you did a great job as always!!

Catarina had her One Piece onepiece on, also called a kigurumi.

Kigurumis was very popular at the con.
Thank you to all the awesome people who visited our table and bought our latest works!

Alice made her own kigurumi, plus one extra for her friend Tomas.
Siver Fang and Totoro!

Joakim had no kigurumi, but was happy anyway!

Our fanzines, only 20 sek each! Pricey!

I had a presentation about my experiences with Japanese manga editors at Ribon (Shueisha).
Thank you to all of you who came and listened!
And one of my dreams came true, as the sweet cosplayer Hjortron-chan came by
to show me her cosplay of Vanilj, one of the kittens in my manga Mjau!
I'm so happy!! Awesome cosplay!

The convention was great, and we're so grateful to all who support us by bying our fanzines or books, and coming over to our table to talk. It is truly an honor to have people read our works, and enjoy them! Thank you!!

A couple of days later, I went to Solna in Stockholm to have two manga workshops, which went great. The participants was eager to learn, and on the last workshop we ended up having fun drawing eye lashes and lipstick on Voldemort. Don't ask me how we got there, but the kids had a fun time and so did I.

Well, as today is my B-day, I will have to get going now. 26 years old... Quite young still, and lots of things left to fulfill.

Oh, and also, there's some big things coming, but I think I have to wait until August to tell you, when I have papers signed and everything.
Thanks for still reading and for all your support!!