21 December 2011

Merry X-mas everyone!!

The picture is made by Catarina (my sister) and me.
She did the lineart and I colored it in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to you all!!
I hope you'll have a nice holiday and time with your close ones, with lots of good food and a chance to show your love and appreciation for each other!

I will be doing some time off from my work, and having a chance to meet the family and Emils family too. Looking forward to it! Even though the loss of work will be painfull for a workaholic like me, hahaha!

Best wishes to you all!

14 December 2011

A Song For Elise - Remix

I have thought about it, for some time now, and I'd love to make more about the characters of my manga A Song For Elise. And so I finally got the chance: A Nordic Boy Love-anthology project, started by Maja Falke!

I will participate with a short story based on ASFE. This is just a 13-page long sidestory, noting big, but it kinda makes me wanna make more than just this sidestory.

Decided to call the story A Song For Elise - Remix: Memories, partly as a homage to the first yaoi manga I read, Gravitation. Maki Murakami (the creator) had a lot of fun with her characters! Not only did she make 12 volumes, but also a doujinshi (fancomic) of her own comic that she called Gravitation Remix, and then an even more extreme second fancomic called Gravitation Megamix. I DO NOT recommend you to google either of them, if you are not used to reading hard core yaoi. It's not for innocent eyes...

Well, here's a sneakpeek from my short story manga:

Andi and Marcus.

My sister watched Idol on Swedish TV this fall, all because of this girl, Moa Lignell. And I really like this song too. It's perfect for this sidestory! Like a theme for it! So yes, I have been having it on a loop all this time. Moa, your voice is so powerful!

The crazy thing is that she's just 16 years old. Yes, it's true.

The book will be released in May, so if any of you want it, you can either get it at any of the conventions I'll visit (will put up a tour list for 2012 here soon) or just send me an e-mail for an order then. But you can take it easy, more info will be up here when we get closer to the release!

Right now, I'm sick with the flue, but I hope it's gone soon, I hate being all drowsy and coughing all the time...

Also, here's a stupid picture of my kitten:

09 December 2011

One step closer to being published in Japan

Yes, it's crazy but true!

I got the result from the rookie competition in the Japanese manga magazine Ribbon to which I sent one short-story manga a couple of weeks ago... It didn't get first place (I didn't expect it to, because this was my first time competing) but it got a runner-up spot and will be featured with a pic and a short summary on a page in the end of the magazine! Woohoo!

It's crazy! I'm so happy!! The magazine is printed in over 1 million copies each month, and if only one in a hundred readers check the page, there will be 10 000 Ribbon readers that saw my work! It's insane! *EDIT: Checked the numbers again, and it's about 250 000 per month, so I was a bit wrong, eeh-hehehe... Well, alot any way!

That was my first goal to reach, so next is to send something that might snatch the first place!
The feature will be in February or March, so I'll update then with a photo for all of you who don't spend a fortune on a subscription of the magazine (like me).

Right now, I'm reworking the story for my next project, a mermaid short story called Hooked On You. Hopefully there will be work-in-progress updates soon, when I finally can start drawing...

Oh, here's a small article (in Swedish) about me in a members magazine for the tenant organisation Hyresgästföreningen in Sweden, Hem & Hyra issue 8 2011:

Title is 'Natalia aims for Japan'
Funny it was published right now...

04 December 2011

Julkalendern 2011, jag är fast!

Jag är väldigt, väldigt, väldigt sällan sugen på att göra fanart. Dels för att jag tycker mer om att göra mina egna figurer, men också för att fanart limiterar ens möjligheter att använda bilden, på grund av copyright-rättigheterna.

Däremot har jag verkligen blivit sugen på att göra fanart nu!
Detta för att jag såg de första tre delarna av årets julkalender på SVT Play. Den heter "Tjuvarnas Jul" och efter bara tre avsnitt vill jag påstå att detta troligtvis är en av de allra bästa julkalendrarna jag sett!

Den utspelar sig på 1800-talet och handlar om Kurre, en tafflig ficktjuv i Klappsnattarligan, som en dag får en unge på halsen. Ungen, som sedan får namnet "Charlie", blir tillslut invigd i ligan och så börjar äventyren!

Sceneriet, kostymer, regi och dialoger men inte minst skådespeleriet är i toppform! Jag har ganska höga krav på barninriktade filmer och tv-serier, men denna förfaller aldrig till det irriterande fördummandet eller förenklandet av saker. Tvärt om! Den vågar ta upp saker och antyda om känslor och dilemman som kan verka tunga, men egentligen vilket barn som helst förstår. Tack, SVT och Nordisk Film! Ni har gjort ett toppenjobb!

Så, jag gjorde en liten egen tolkning av "Charlie" och Kurre.

(Vill poängtera att detta är en fanart, ingen officiell bild, och är gjord med ödmjuk
beundran, utan intentionen att inkräkta på någons copyright,
och har därför lagt till den rättmätiga copyright-texten till loggan, som jag tecknat om)

Jag rekommenderar er alla som liksom jag gillar 1800-talsmiljöer, bra skådespeleri och julkalendrar med klass att ta er en titt på de senaste avsnitten, som ni hittar på SVT Play:
Tjuvarnas Jul - SVT PLay

Nu blir det mer serier! Wiii~